John Oscar

Jul 4, 2020

Yup'ik Mobile

The first of its kind, a dream catcher, in the middle of a treeless tundra in Bethel, Alaska. Inspired by our Native American brothers and sisters, we present our Yup'ik version of the dream catcher.

These cute masks will dance to the smallest drafts in the house. Lightly blow on the middle one see what happens.

The central mask is the Dream Catcher, the yellow is the Day Mask, and the blue is the Night Mask. Light and Dark always separate or opposite. If you blow on the Dream Catcher even lightly, it will face you, then as it faces away you will see "Palrayuk" that was painted in March 2020. The ancient Qaluyaarmiut (Nelson Island) seal hunters had the design on the side of their Qayaq. Logically one would assume it was for purposes of protection and good luck.