The ancestors lived in harmony with the land, sky, and waters, forming a circle of life. All fish and wildlife honored their role, sharing with humans who followed Qaneryaqaq – The Word. This oral tradition provided guidance on love, peace, respect, and how to be a true person.
Their simple life was based on the gifts from Ellam Yua, the person of the sky, heavens, or universe who had control overall. “They did not know his name, Jesus, until the missionaries came. They (missionaries) brought Qaneryaraq, the word in written form, the Bible,” said Deacon Mike Angaiak, Sr., and added, "The Yup’ik people were already living obediently when The Word arrived."
For thousands of years, they believed in Ellam Yua. They celebrated and honored the creator Agayun through Agayuliyararput – Our Way of Making Prayer. This great dance festival of sharing celebrated lifegiving gifts honoring Ellam Yua. It was believed that animals gave themselves as gifts for sharing. Some masks had holes in their hands to represent Ellam Yua’s control over these gifts, which he would begin to close if man became greedy. The animals observed how their bodies were treated during preservation. Fish bones were dried for the remaining meat and fat. The animals saw their bodies shared with the less fortunate and the poor clothed from their skins. All living creatures, from insects and mice to birds, watched as their parts were turned into masks, headgear, dance fans, and drums.
Ellam Yua Jesus, pleased with the love, humility, respect, and gift-giving, allowed all creatures to celebrate with humans once again. Each creature has one spirit, knowing their purpose. We are a singular web connected as one. Every gift from the land, air, and water serves others in service to man and those around him. The selfless giving and sharing of these creatures is a humble gesture of love from our creator, Ellam Yua Jesus. Quyana Agayun.