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 BLOgs - ViDeOs

Writer's pictureJohn Oscar

Weathered Nerves

I have been subject to a lot of pain for the last 5 years and has impacted my productivity. I asked the AI (artificial intelligence) on Windows 11 a question: "Can low pressure and humidity affect my nerve damage from shingles?" (note: images are from interne)

Imge from internet


“Yes, low pressure and humidity can affect nerves. The change in barometric pressure due to temperature drops intensifies pressure on the nerves, which send pain signals to the brain. Your perception of pain is increased as the nerve signals slow down because of the pressure¹. Also, pressure changes that cause weather changes are thought to trigger chemical and electrical changes in the brain. This irritates nerves, leading to a headache²."

Not only did it answer my question it also provides footnotes and studies, remedies and what affects the nervous system. I told doctors about the weather, but never got any credible answer but usually “Yea, I heard about that.”

Image from internet

I “backup the weather” literally with the nerve damage from shingles 5 years ago. In good weather I can function and produce artwork with ease. Now, I can check on the weather and prepare and work around the weather to accomplish my tasks. Weather does impact my productivity. It can be immobilizing. The two images closely resemble my pain sites.

I did not know there was a vaccine at the time. I encourage my friends and neighbors to get your shingles vaccine. These images are after the major episode of boils have gone down.

Image from internet

AI-"I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any other questions."

Source: Conversation with Bing, 5/25/2023(1) Four tips to combat nerve pain during cold weather. Accessed 5/25/2023.

(2) 10 headache triggers - NHS. Accessed 5/25/2023.

(3) Nerve Plant Temperature and Humidity Tolerances Indoors. Accessed 5/25/2023.

(4) Weather Effects on Nerve Damage | Healthfully. Accessed 5/25/2023.

(5) Peripheral neuropathy - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic. Accessed 5/25/2023."

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